Chemical Reaction!!,

Under the transdisciplinary theme “how the world works “ unit (matters and interactions: chemical reaction) our lovely students in grade 5 did three experiments about the chemical reaction types : combination , combustion and dissociation .

Learning New Vocabulary in a Fun and Memorable Way!,

“Under the transdisciplinary theme ‘Who We Are,’ our wonderful Grade 2 students learn new vocabulary in a fun and easy way that helps them remember the meanings

Basketball is my therapy,

Our future players , we trust your abilities and we believe in you. Adventure awaits you around every corner!! memories#goodvibes#icus#students#Grade2#dreams

Counting Activity !! ,

Under the transdisciplinary theme “who we are “ , our kindergarten students practice counting and number recognition by adding balls to numbered circles. This playful exercise also helps improve their coordination and focus through active engagement.

التعلم عن طريق اللعب,

في درس اللغة العربية وبفعاليات التعلم عن طريق اللعب والترفيه ضمن نشاطات تقوية العضلات تعرف تلاميذ الصف kg2 على انواع الخطوط والتي منها الخط المائل والمستقيم

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